Ask HN: How to Prepare for the AI Apocalypse?

I feel that AI will do to ${insert-job} what Uber did to taxi drivers. There will be much resistance at first, but eventually the convenience and profits will win out. And recent history has shown that increases in productivity & efficiency doesn’t translate to increase in prosperity (for most). How can I position myself to not get left behind in […]

Ask HN: How to Stop Caring (Professionally)?

I get stressed out a lot by my work. The people, and the lack of autonomy. It invades my evenings, my nights, I spend sometimes hours unable to sleep dreading the next day. I don’t have any autonomy. I’m treated as a resource to be “used”. And I work with people I don’t respect personally or professionally. I have been […]

Ask HN: Why don’t we have 3 day weekends yet?

After covid, and the temporary transition to remote (for some), it seem that switching from 5 days to 4 days would be an arbitrary decision, with very little real impact. (Of course I’m referring to jobs done in typical 5 day week). For those who say it would lead to a decrease in productivity. Well that is only relative to […]

Ask HN: Depressed, need to leave web development, what can I do?

I’m an average developer. Been doing it 15 years. All the vacancies in my field now seem to have 300+ applicants. ~60% of the jobs are with outsourcing companies like toptal, gigster and so on. My labour is a commodity but even lower paying jobs expects you to be a superstar leetcoder, with the wherewithal to go through 6-8 interviews […]