Ask HN: Why do search functions everywhere not return what I search for?

It’s driving me nuts. All over the web, search functions don’t actually return the word you searched for. They seem to all do some sort of creative interpretation of what you searched for in the name of “relevance”, thereby returning irrelevant results. And in many cases, there is simply no way to do a literal word search. You’d expect maybe […]

Tell HN: macOS Ventura broke the entire Raspberry Pi Pico ecosystem

Grrr. MacOS Ventura broke the Raspberry Pi Pico ecosystem and they haven’t fixed it. That means micropython and circuitpython don’t work on Macos Ventura. Apparently the Raspberry Pi Foundation have not even succeeded in contacting whoever it is inside Apple who works on Finder – which is what has done the breaking. Six weeks down the track and Apple has […]

Ask HN: Do you believe there’s *really* an alternative to Twitter?

Lots and lots of people leaving Twitter “for an alternative.” Personally I don’t think there’s any viable alternative to Twitter. I think most people will do their rage quit and come back once they’ve cooled down and the news cycle has moved on. But what do you think? Do you think there’s any realistic alternative to Twitter as the world’s […]

Ask HN: Help me summon the strength to finish my project

HN I need your help! I’ve been working on my project for so very, very long. It’s not far off now …. really – it should only be a couple of weeks (though I have been saying that for months now). And I’ve been highly motivated very a very long time. But it’s coming into the final stretch and just […]