Ask HN: So you moved off Heroku, where did you go?

So you moved your apps off Heroku, where did you go to and how has it worked out? Particularly interested in: 1. How much work it took to move apps (be honest) 2. How much experience you had at the time of the migration – e.g. on one extreme your entire devops experience may consist of just Heroku (that’s me) or on the other extreme you may be a k8s guru (this helps others gauge how they’ll go) 3. How valuable were your learnings? E.g. replacing Heroku with an IAAS instead of another PAAS might take longer but give more fundamental learnings, and hence be worth it for some 4. Cost comparison 5. Summary/description of your apps (e.g. 20 tiny apps with a few hits per month, 5 medium with ~20k hits per month, 2 large with 1-2m hits per month type thing). Please give language/framework. 6. Anything else you want to add
Story Published at: October 4, 2022 at 07:12AM