I’ve been looking for contract work for the past couple months, and it’s been dire. All the job boards are looking for full time employees, and on Hacker News the only recommendation is Toptal. Is there really no other platform for decently paid contract work that’s not a complete race to the bottom? I find I’m close to having to abandon 10 years of consulting because I have no idea where to find anything else than full-time employment. The other two job boards I’ve been keeping an eye on are mostly about React and other frontend roles, with offers few and far between. Linkedin is similarly dire for contract work. Is Toptal the only option for someone with 16 years experience that wouldn’t want to work for peanuts? Or just going back to being an employee? (In case anyone’s reading that’s looking for a senior Elixir/Rust/Go engineer/sysadmin, resume’s in my profile.)
Story Published at: September 14, 2022 at 03:33PM
Story Published at: September 14, 2022 at 03:33PM