Ask HN: Do you find discord completely disorienting?

Whenever I end up on discord, I’m completely lost, and I know all the functions, but still lost. If I had to describe it in a word, it’d be ANXIETY. 10 teams, 30 channels, 50 unread messages in each channel, 500 members, 5k gifs… I have no idea who is talking, what is being talked about, are you and how are you suppose to follow anything, how to find information that took place 1 min ago and let alone few weeks ago, how each message somehow takes so much vertical space. The UI contrast doesn’t help, as there is none. Everything just looks like vomit of UI elements on page, that’s what came to be the interface of discord. But people seem to be using it? who is using it? and how are they managing to ‘get’ it? It feels like artistic rendition of millions of people chats combined into one, but meant to be appreciated from distance not to be interacted with.
Story Published at: August 30, 2022 at 01:44AM