Ask HN: Is there a developer laptop that does not suck and is not a Mac in 2022?

Background: I am sick of Apple’s terrible customer support in my country. The most recent case was that of my friend who upgraded to a 14 inch Macbook Pro that stopped booting in 7 days. Since there is no return option in 30 days like in other geographies, he took it to Apple’s authorised service centre (there are no Apple owned service centres in my country), and they put a big scratch right across the Apple logo. To add to this, Apple’s customer support final response after more than a week of wasting his time was they would not be able to replace the display even when my friend sent clear voice recordings of the service centre employees accepting their mistake. He had to take the help of the local police who went with him to the shop to get a written statement that they would be replacing the display too along with the mainboard to fix the primary issue of dead laptop. I have had my own horror stories in the past 10 years and I do not want to pay another dime to Apple for such pathetic treatment even under warranty. Are there any other options for someone like me?
Story Published at: August 28, 2022 at 11:32PM