Learn about smart contracts and solidity- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-solidity-blockchain-and-smart-contracts-in-a-free/
Free 16-Hour Course
Blockchain engineers are in extreme demand. Almost every day they are building billion dollar applications.
We just released a full course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel that will teach you all about Solidity, the blockchain, and smart contracts. Solidity is an object-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts.
This course will give you a full introduction into all of the core concepts in blockchain, smart contracts, solidity, NFTs/ERC721s, ERC20s, Coding Decentralized Finance (DeFi), python and solidity, Chainlink, Ethereum, upgradable smart contracts, and full stack blockchain development.
Here are all the sections covered in this comprehensive course:
Lesson 0: Welcome To Blockchain
- What is a Blockchain?
- Making Your First Transaction
- How Do Blockchains Work?
- Consensus
- The Future
- Miscellaneous
Lesson 1: Welcome to Remix! Simple Storage
- Everything in this section can be read about in the Solidity Documentation
- Remix
- Basic Solidity
- Deploying to a “Live” network
Lesson 2: Storage Factory
- Inheritance, Factory Pattern, and Interacting with External Contracts
- Lesson 3: Fund Me
- Payable, msg.sender, msg.value, Units of Measure
- Chainlink Oracles
- Importing from NPM and Advanced Solidity
Lesson 4: Web3.py Simple Storage
- Installing VSCode, Python, and Web3
- Our First Python Script with Web3.py – Deploying a Contract
- Interacting with Our Contract in Python & Web3.py
Lesson 5: Brownie Simple Storage
- Brownie Introduction
- Installing Brownie
- Brownie Simple Storage Project
- Testing Basics
Lesson 6: Brownie Fund Me
- Introduction
- Dependencies, Deploying, and Networks
- Funding and Withdrawing Python Scripts
- Testing across networks
- Git
Lesson 7: SmartContract Lottery
- Introduction
- Lottery.sol
- Testing Lottery.sol
- Lottery.sol Testnet Deployment
Lesson 8: Chainlink Mix
- Brownie Mixes
- Lesson 9: ERC20s, EIPs, and Token Standards
- Lesson 10: Defi & Aave
- Defi Intro
- Aave UI
- Programmatic Interactions with Aave
- Testing
Lesson 11: NFTs
- Non-Technical Explainer
- Simple NFT
- SimpleCollectible Testing
- Advanced NFT
- Advanced deploy_and_create
- Creating Metadata & IPFS
Lesson 12: Upgrades
- Introduction to upgrading smart contracts
- Upgrades-mix and code
- Testing Upgrades
- Upgrades on a testnet
Bonus Lesson 13: Full Stack Defi
- Defi Stake Yield Brownie Scripts & Tests
- Testing our Defi Stake Yield Brownie Dapp
- Front End / Full Stack
Closing and Summary
- Security
- Where do I go now?
- Learning More
- Community
- Hackathons
Watch the full course below or on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel (16-hour watch).