Most people thinking about crypto regulations and governments attitute toward crypto think just about here and now, which is not how it works. Decisions like this have long term impact much higher than short term impact.
For example prohibition in US had small impact in first few years. But over time with Great Depression and mafia controlling alcohol trading it become bigger and bigger problem in 1920's and 1930's. Results were visible even decades after prohibition was lifted. Mafia was a big problem even in 1970's or 1980's (all those mafia movies aren't based on fiction after all). One of side effects of prohibition was rise of Kennedy's. Joseph Kennedy made huge fortune on selling alcohol during prohibition, with lead to his family becoming one of richest in the US and gaining huge political influence. His son, JFK become the US president, his controversial grandson in 2023 now talk about crypto. All this cause 105 years ago, some people though banning alcohol is good idea.
Crypto regulation may have simmilar impact. Not even now or next year, but in 10, 20 or 50 years. If some country ban crypto today their citizens and economy will pay for that in few years. And it is not easy to undone bad regulations and encourage industry to come back. Countries that now help and adapt crypto will grow, they planted a seed and will get a tree. Countries that throw seed out or broke little tree won't have big tree in the future. Sure you can adapt crypto later, but it won't be the same. You will have other countries or foreign companies to help you with this. Cause bad regulations or even bans mean people won't like to develop crypto industry in your country.
We can see this in many industries. Countries that supported amd made railway, mines and smelters were later able to develop car and aeroplane industry. Rest of the world was left behind. Countries that encouraged new tech in 1950's and 1960's like Japan or US were able to be pioneers in computer industry later. The same with crypto, if you ban or overregulate it today, you will be unable to mass adapt it in few years or make legal tender. You will be unable to use blockchain in medical industry or to control politicians and their finances during elections. You will be unable to be pioneer in Metaverse or AI. All of this is connected. One little crypto AI project today could become base of few billion robotic company in a decade. Countries like El Salvador or UAE will be paradise in future, countries like US, UK or China that aren't crypto friendly will regret it. They will decline if they won't adapt to the times.
Crypto is 2 trillion dollar industry with hundreds millions users today, will be more in incoming years. Now imagine some politician say this is not important enough to care about. Let's ban it or make some random regulations, what can go wrong…
How governments treat crypto for us is not just silly "oh my crypto bag" complaining. It is being worried about our and our kids future in next 30 or 50 years. At least I don't want to live in declining country, I want live and work in place that will become better over the years.
TL;DR: Crypto regulation and attitude of governments toward crypto adoption is not just slight temporary problem. It is matter of be or not to be in long term. Cboices made today will influence situation for next decades.
submitted by /u/Nuewim
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