Taking Magnesium tablet everyday changes my life

Just like the title said – I have always been active & semi-fit but in recent years, I suddenly got struck with terrible muscle soreness. I would often get cramps when waking up, play sport or bad soreness after a light jog, lifting weight or doing any kind of exercise. The soreness won’t go away for days, sometimes a week or two which made it really hard to do any kind of exercise and I feel sluggish all the time and this went on for ages without me knowing why and doctor just discard it as “you just need to get used to exercise and it will get better”. A year ago, I was just looking for why I get these leg cramps every 2 days, someone suggested taking Magnesium and Vitamin B – This was the turning point. Now, 12 months later and i’m enjoying my life again! I am now able to run up the hills with my kids, wake up without leg cramps at all and the soreness from lifting weight heals within half of a day or a day. I just want to share this if someone is struggling with similar problem as I recently shared it with my dad and a couple of relatives and almost everyone were having great results so it seems like a not very well-known thing. 🙂
Story Published at: March 28, 2023 at 09:56AM