Look, I’m as interested in the huge leaps forward in AI as all the rest of you techy nerds. And I read most of the stories about the technology itself. But please, for the love of $deity, can we outlaw the completely pointless “I asked AI to create…” type submissions? Every day there are dozens of them; “I asked AI to write me a haiku…”, “I asked AI to paint me a picture…”, “I asked AI to help me learn coding…”, “I asked AI to write me a blog post…”, “I asked AI to tell me a joke…”, “I asked AI to write a poem…”, “I asked AI to write a short story…”, “I asked AI to design a new trouser press…” etc etc et- bloody -cetera. And, almost without exception, these submissions are of no interest whatsoever to anyone outside of the person who typed some crap into ChatGPT [or other AI] and was so proud of the outcome they decided to share it with the wider world… whether or not the wider world could give a shit or not. Yes, we all know you can type almost any kind of prompt into an AI chatbot and get some “interesting” text or imagery in response. But after the 1000th such submission it’s about as interesting as hearing that someone sent an email or installed a new app on their phone. It really is the adult equivalent of running excitedly home from primary school, clutching the crappy drawing you did in class and insisitng it get stuck to the fridge door. Please. If you want to play with your AI chatbot, just do it quietly in the corner. The rest of us DON’T BLOODY CARE! Examples: https://hn.algolia.com/?q=i+asked+AI https://hn.algolia.com/?query=i asked GPT
Story Published at: March 21, 2023 at 02:32PM

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