Tell HN: Google is correlating location data to your IP

Hi HN, Is this a known thing? I’m pretty frustrated, and even given my near-complete disillusionment about capital-driven-tech these days, I can’t believe Google is doing this. I just got home from being in Mexico where I used my VPN (because of course US financial apps panic if you access them outside the US). I fired up my LG TV running the YouTube app (which I’m not signed into) and every, single, ad is in Spanish. My Edge browser on my desktop computer gives results in Mexico and claims I’m in Quintanna Roo. In many places, I cannot override this, at least without signing in and/or apparently explicitly feeding it more accurate location data to “fix” it’s perception. Is this expected/known? At one point, it even said “based on your IP address” despite the fact that my IP clearly looks up to a Washington State IP address. I just wish I could make this known to Google’s advertisers. Are they aware that when I travel, they’re pay to show me ads that I can’t understand?
Story Published at: December 17, 2022 at 09:35PM