I’ve been reading HN for a while. I made my first comment May 31, 2018. And have gone through cycles of engagement during that time. But for the last few weeks, even months, I still scan the top articles daily, but something has changed for me. Historically, there’s almost always been at least one thing in the top 30 I would be interested in. Sometimes many. But of late, none of it interests me near as much anymore. My guess is that this is just pretty much burnout/age me changing. But I was curious if maybe it was a wider spread effect that others are experiencing. Perhaps the downturn in the tech industry has just led to less of a “this is the place to be and things to know!” experience in general.
Story Published at: May 17, 2023 at 08:00PM
Story Published at: May 17, 2023 at 08:00PM