What country, besides the US, would have been the the most influential to adopt bitcoin as an official currency instead of El Salvador?

via Cryptocurrency News & Discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/12kk6p9/what_country_besides_the_us_would_have_been_the/

El Salvador really took the reigns and is challenging the world on crypto and bitcoin, but it's a relatively "poor" country with not a lot of political or financial weight to throw around. We all know if the United States would have adopted bitcoin as an official currency then the price action on BTC would have gone absolutely insane. But what's the next most influential country after the US that if it would have adopted bitcoin as an official currency would have really moved the ball forward? Countries like the UK or Germany or China are pretty wealthy and fairly influential but I'm not confident it's very obvious which one would have the most price and global impact. Others might be Russia or Japan? India? Which country besides the US do you think would have had the most impact if it would have adopted bitcoin as an official state currency instead of El Salvador?

submitted by /u/homrqt
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