Hey HN! We’re Ioannis & Zaf, building Algora.io to help open source projects reward their contributors & grow their communities. 1 min demo: https://twitter.com/algoraio/status/1641560954746839042 The problem: paid contributions in open source are scarce, low trust & high friction Our solution: we built an app that streamlines open source bounties on Github Our 1st customer was Remotion.dev (15.6k stars, Typescript/React) in November 2022, whose feedback helped us ship our Github app & iterate through our bounty workflow. To date, Remotion.dev has rewarded 17 open source bounties: https://github.com/remotion-dev/remotion/issues?q=label%3A%2… Since then, we’ve been fortunate to also onboard Cal.com (17.6k stars, Typescript/Next), IHP (3.9k stars, Haskell), Qdrant.tech (5.4k stars, Rust), erxes.io (2.8k stars, Typescript) and shuttle.rs (YC S20, 2.1k stars, Rust). OSS contributors in the US, Europe (Germany, France, Norway), Canada, Nigeria, India, Egypt, UAE, Brazil, Colombia, Philippines and Australia have already earned bounties with Algora — we hope this list keeps growing! We also started a COSS founder interview series to share lessons & advice for building open source companies: https://youtube.com/@algora-io We are really excited to hear your feedback/questions and connect further: our emails are ioannis@algora.io & zafer@algora.io. Thank you!
Story Published at: April 2, 2023 at 05:23PM
Story Published at: April 2, 2023 at 05:23PM