An ominous looking letter received in the mail

via Cryptocurrency News & Discussion

Today I received a thick envelope, very official and legal looking, from New York (I live in London, UK). It must have cost maybe $10 in postage and god knows how much in other fees to get it to me. Honestly I was a little worried as it looked like bad news.

Upon opening it, it was a large pack of forms to fill in to register as a creditor to the BlockFi liquidation, sent by the liquidators.

The amount I am owed by BlockFi as stated within the package? $0.22

I think I had some LTC dust in there and that was it. I hope they don't waste any more money trying to help me get it back.

Did anyone else receive the same thing and am I safe just to ignore it? They can keep my 22 cents.

submitted by /u/markcorrigans_boiler
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