Show HN: Knotend – a keyboard-driven flowchart editor

Hey all, I made knotend [0] because I wanted a flowchart editor that was keyboard-driven and super fast. I was tired of dragging boxes around on a canvas. You may have seen knotend around here before when I wrote an initial blog post [1] about why I wanted a new kind of flowchart editor. Thank you to everyone who has given me feedback here on HN! Since that blog post I’ve been working hard to get to a v1 which I’m showing now. You can use the free version without having to sign up for an account. I would love your feedback! What makes knotend different is two main things: 1) The nodes are constrained to a grid which enables a keyboard-centric experience for selection and navigation, and 2) there’s autolayout so each time you add a node, the graph automatically lays itself out and places each node in a cell. In the future I’ll be working on supporting more complex editing actions, linking graphs together, collaboration, and more. Please drop your feedback below, reach out on twitter [2], or email [0] [1] [2]
Story Published at: January 26, 2023 at 03:49PM