I don’t mean to disrupt the flow you guys seem to have hera, and I’m not certain if I’m doing this correctly. Please let me know if there’s a better place to do this. What is this site? I came across a discussion about a programming question I had from 2013, which isn’t uncommon, but to my surprise this place appears to still be thriving a decade later. It calls itself a news site but appears not to be an actual journalist organization, but rather some kind of… archival feed? Is it a social media platform? I’ve see it compared to Reddit in a couple of the community guidelines and FAQs. What is the purpose and the history of this site, how has it managed to stay up and running for nearly 15 years without me ever hearing about it? For those of you who are still here, why? I must say I’m a bit exited. I find myself mourning the deaths of so many independent forums and smaller social media platforms which thrived tn the 2000s-early 2010’s but have now mostly gone offline or faded into complete disuse. I’m not sure exactly what you guys have going on here, but it’s seems… Good.
Story Published at: January 19, 2023 at 08:58AM

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