Stripe is holding over $400k of mine with no explanation

Stripe is holding over $400,000 in deposits over multiple of my accounts with no explanation. I’ve spent hours on the phone or chat with support and they can’t give me any information. We are still able to sell but can’t get the money out. Support has asked for 2 receipts for each account to review, I have sent them. Then I reach back out and they ask for the same receipts again. It’s crazy. Luckily I have other accounts that are able to cover payroll for now, but they won’t last much longer. Support has been horrible and have not given me any reason why this has happened. The accounts that are restricted are all 5+ years old and have been used nonstop in that time. Anyone know a better way to get this resolved because regular support hasn’t been able to do anything to help or explain what happened.
Story Published at: December 30, 2022 at 08:31PM