No bootcamp, no degree, but I made it. Do you think that these people are legit. Do you think it’s practically possible to learn everything without any structure, discipline? Theoritically, it’s possible, if you’re highly motivated. But I tried to spend a month doing it but I went nowhere. I didn’t even know the basic of the things like, how much hrs of content should I watch daily to not get overwhelmed? And selecting good courses was another confusion. A course in html, css would be 40 hr long (with project). That’d take 40 days to complete. Can anyone remain patient for 40 days to learn html, css on their own w/o any structure and guidance? I could not. Please tell me your tips for being a self taught developer. I do have a degree in computer science but degree in CS vs programming is different. It needs to be learnt again. Share your working tips to become a self taught developer. Or tell if that’s practically possible for the average netizen these days.
Story Published at: November 4, 2022 at 12:20PM
Story Published at: November 4, 2022 at 12:20PM