Ask HN: Anyone else receiving unsolicited Datadog marketing spam?

I keep getting ‘reaching out’ and ‘just following up’ (because I haven’t replied) spam from Craig Cummins ‘DevSecOps Enablement’ at Datadog. One of them even said something like ‘you may be wondering why you are getting this, do not worry, I got your email from our internal CRM’ — ..ok that’s fine then?! No mention of how it got there . No idea why Cummins thinks it’s how he specifically got my email address to use in a work capacity that might be a concern, or why ‘from my employer’ would be a useful answer. It’s incessant, and sure it has an ‘unsubscribe’ link but of course I never subscribed to your ‘tell me how paying for Datadog might benefit me’ spam, I shouldn’t have to unsubscribe. I assume many others here are getting this crap too? If you happen to work at Datadog, I’d suggest telling the relevant teams that this sort of thing is only going to make people not use Datadog’s services. (Or frankly, just tell Craig Cummins if that’s a real employee’s name – it’s always him.) It’s terrible for ‘developer relations’.
Story Published at: October 30, 2022 at 12:53PM