Facebook account gets hacked – now banned on Facebook and Instagram

Title says it all, went to bed after a night of games and streams with friends. Dreading getting up at 8am for work on a Saturday. With a few clips to edit and post on Instagram when I get home the next day. Imagine my surprise when I see an “action needed” email from Facebook that arrived at around 530am. Logged in on the app to see if the email was a fake, and sure enough the app told me my account was disabled. So I appeal the decision even send in my ID only for them to tell me I’m not allowed to use Facebook. Found out via one of my friends who was still up at that time, that he saw I had posted 13 pictures all at once, and they were all pornographic images. Now I’ve been using Facebook for 16 years, and have never been banned, Instagram for 10. And now because my account was hacked I’m no longer allowed to use either of these platforms. I was the one who was wronged and I’m now the one being punished for it. Anyone able to help?
Story Published at: October 2, 2022 at 04:05PM