This was a discussion when M1 macbooks were launched, and Apple supposedly addressed it in an OS update (macOS 11.4). But I’m seeing really high read/write numbers. I’m aware that SSD lifespans are long and TBW spec is pretty generous. Still, compared to my linux machines, this seems extraordinarily high. On my newish M1 MBA, with the latest updates, with barely any use, 98%+ sleep, I’m seeing about 3 to 5 GB reads per day and 2 to 4 GB writes per day. Latest report from smartctl. —————————————————- === START OF SMART DATA SECTION ===
SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

SMART/Health Information (NVMe Log 0x02)
Critical Warning: 0x00
Temperature: 27 Celsius
Available Spare: 100%
Available Spare Threshold: 99%
Percentage Used: 0%
Data Units Read: 716,195 [366 GB]
Data Units Written: 616,232 [315 GB]
Host Read Commands: 9,108,273
Host Write Commands: 6,947,397
Controller Busy Time: 0
Power Cycles: 95
Power On Hours: 5
Unsafe Shutdowns: 11
Media and Data Integrity Errors: 0
Error Information Log Entries: 0
—————————————————- Is this normal?
Story Published at: September 29, 2022 at 07:11PM

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