KPMG digital forensics team conclude Craig Wright falsified documents

via Cryptocurrency News & Discussion

KPMG – one of the largest accounting and auditing firms on the planet provided forensic document auditing services to the legal team representing Hodlonaut in his case against Craig Wright.

They were provided a lot of documents that Craig Wright claims were drafts of the early bitcoin whitepaper and, in his words, predate the "bitcoin.pdf" as posted originally by Satoshi.

They have analysed content, meta-data, formatting and they have found inconsistencies in meta-data, missing meta-data, fonts that were published after the document dating, some source code indicates creation or modification after the public publication – likely changed to appear to be older than they are. – to follow along live.

When asked for clarification by the judge the KPMG team re-iterated:

The files have been made from the original bitcoin.pdf but made to appear older than they are

There are a number of discrepancies from Wright's documents including:

  • A "draft" was produced in Windows 8 which came out in 2012 (long after the original paper was released)
  • Fonts that didn't exist at the time of creation
  • Missing symbols due to symbol code changes in later software versions
  • Missing timestamp and document creation metadata

The team from KPMG in the court room and currently on the stand explaining their process and the documents received. The analysis of those documents (as per KPMG's forensic team) has concluded that a number of the documents contain falsified/fake meta-data further solidifying Craig Wright's position as a fraud and deceiver in his endeavor to be known as the real Satoshi.

The judge in this case seems to be following along well and clearly understands a lot of the technical details being offered as well as asking important definition and clarification questions with regards to meta data and general cryptographic proofs, MD5 hashes etc.

I understand you might be fed up of hearing about this fraud but it's important the crypto community doesn't just ignore him as he's incredibly well funded and will continue using the legal systems of multiple countries to bully, harass and censor critics and even developers. The only reason hodlonaut was able to defend against this attack was due to donations from the community to help support their legal defence.

The bitcoin whitepaper is no longer available to download in the UK from because of a court case Craig Wright filed in the UK. (How very Satoshi like!)

For why you should care here's a post by Greg Maxwell that explains in more detail what exactly Craig Wright has been up to and why it threatens open development of projects:

submitted by /u/MilesPower
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