The more the energy and war crisis goes on in Europe, the more keen I am on keeping all my money in crypto

via Cryptocurrency News & Discussion

We all have been aware on the massive energy crisis we are all living, specifically in Europe.

In Europe, most of our gas relies on Russia. The Nord Stream I and the in-construction Nord Stream II (current haulted because the Ukraine war) are the main delivery paths of gas from Russian to the whole of Europe. Due to the war, Russia has decided to reduce the amount of gas being sent and the prices have surged to an unsustainable manner.

Tu give you an idea, a kWh is currently averaging around 0.25€ average (EUR to USD is currently almost the same due to the crisis) and a MWh is around 1000€ in price, which is scandalous.

Of course, this has led to issues with people not being able to afford bills, petrol is still rocketed and there is the threat that the middle class will just vanish because of all this. In the UK, inflation is set to go up to 18% in January, and calls for war keep happening with Russia, with statements of “we need to face high energy bills to confront Putin” as if the population cared about beating him rather than their own finance.

Anyways, TL;DR:

The current energy crisis have rocketed the prices and seems to just be going to worse in Europe with winter coming.

Where does crypto come in all this?

The currency and centralisation. With the world on the brink of a very serious war (at this point, I feel we all need a triggering event for everything to go to shit), the prices of essential living services and the inflation, I just feel I need to be in a different currency.

I am scared of a major event making my government to seize money from their citizens (like in Argentina in 2001) or even worse, a currency being so undervalued (like the EUR at the moment with the energy crisis) that it leads to longer inflation periods and amazing price surges.

Of course the solution is the war to end, and for the world to just chill the fuck out. But that isn’t going to happen, and for me, the safest bet is to have my money set on crypto where nobody but me and my ledger can decided where it goes to.

Take this carefully, as I am not saying I will or have put my life savings in crypto due to the volatility – but it is a thing I am considering in doing if shit hits the fan big time and I must admit a lot of my savings is already in crypto, but it has been for years now.

Stay safe people!!

submitted by /u/DanMards
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