Ask HN: Interested on writing a book on software design/architecture together?

Hey there.. I have started writing a book on software design/architecture that provides a different perspective than existing books out there. The thesis of the book is that “code is for humans”. The book explains how to write code that is optimal for our primitive monkey brains. The book describes how many of the best practices in software stem from deficiencies in our cognitive abilities. It expands on best practices such as (DRY, SSOT, etc) and brings new ideas on what is good code and how to write it. I am looking for someone to partner with on this book as it’s a huge project and I would love to be able to split the work. A bit about me: I worked as the software architect of a 100+ person team at Mobileye/Intel and have many, many years of experience working on a large variety of software.
Story Published at: August 23, 2022 at 10:20AM