Ask HN: Where should I move to meet interesting tech people?

Hey everybody, So after about 8 years of various unsuccessful startup attempts I bit the bullet and got a job. Classical 6 figures tech job in AI for bigtech. Fully remote chill work hours you know the deal. I used to live for work pouring all my heart into an idea talking to customers iterating working day and night. Now, I want to work to live travel and most importantly I want to meet as many interesting tech people as possible. Now my question. Where should I go? Ideally, I want to be able to go back to Germany at least for 3 months a year the rest I am open for suggestions. Should I move to a digital nomad place like Bali or Portugal? Or a tech hub like San Francisco or Austin? Time zone wise Hong Kong would be ideal but I am mostly working on my own so it isn’t a deal breaker. Also wherever I am, should I go to conferences ? Meetups? Dm random people on Twitter and Hackernews? Otherwise, il just keep chatting up a bunch of people in co-working spaces. I feel like nowadays there must be quite a few people in this situation. Would love to hear your thoughts.
Story Published at: August 7, 2022 at 04:10PM